Animal Feng Shui

Some years back I did a newsletter about pets and Feng Shui. All of a sudden, it’s a major blitz on the International Feng Shui newsletter!  Only confirming what I realized quite some time back. BUT, rather than stroking my ego, I wanted to say this next issue is going to be about the Feng Shui of animals. Fo instance, my alpha cat Bhodi does Reike and there’s a story around that. If you have a story about your animal that includes how well they read energies, I’d like to get it. I will include them in the newsletter (depending on how many show up!).  Please send them to me just by clicking here.

The 12th Day of Christmas

We’re through the holidays – now what? If we notice that Feng Shui follows the natural patterns of Nature, we’ll see that this is a quiet time, a time for drawing in. Nature is resting now, renewing. Covered in many places with a blanket of white, and in other with a blanketed in cold. In either case Nature is quietly rejuvenating. Follow the pattern, and let it be OK that we are not frantic with activity. A good book, a quiet fire, an intimate evening with friends – all these are incredibly nourishing. If you find yourself sleeping an extra hour a day or taking naps, Good!You’re allowing the natural flow of energy to slow, relax and rejuvenate. You’re recharging your batteries.

A gift Giving Thanks

At a time when the corporate world wants to move us away from giving thanks to buying material things for “gifts”,  a friend sent me this. View it full screen. It is a gift and reminds me of just how precious this existence is.

A Science or an Art?

Trying to explain the unexplainable (Feng Shui) one has to look for analogies that everyone can grok. I’m dealing with that right now as I prepare a 8 minute presentation to my BNI group. What I’ve arrived at (for now) is the following: You want to put in a doorway or entry from one room to another. The science analogy is composed of many parts – is the wall load bearing? What size opening? What are the best tools to use to do the job? The art analogy is the design: archway or rectangular? Door or no door? Any trim? Wall color?  All these factors must be considered (and often are not) before proceeding. And that’s why it’s worth the dollars spent to bring in an expert – you can avoid mistakes, pitfalls and expensive redoes before you start. This is also why folks who read a book or two on Feng Shui often do not get the results they desire. No fault of their own, it’s just that there are so many factors all of which have to be considered.  Done right and all sorts of “magic” can happen. So what do you want? DIY? Or bring in an expert? Your choice.

Keep it Clear!

Summer is the time we trip in and out of the house: back door, front door, any door – shed the shoes, drop the gear, set the garbage for taking out.  The problem with this style of living is we are dropping boulders in the stream of chi. The front door is the mouth of chi for the house, but any entrance allows chi in and back out. The more clutter you have at any entrance to the house, the more you block favorable energy from coming in.

The solution: keep entrances free from clutter and pleasing to the eye. This may require developing a new habit.  Not only for you, but the entire family.  And old habits are hard to break, but if you keep a compassionate reminder for your partner/for your kids, you can allow everyone to slowly adopt new behavior patterns — ones that allow for the free flow of positive energy to come home and enhance your life.  Be brave! Go for it! And if you run into problems, remember you can always drop me a line asking for a bit of coaching Blessings!

Memorial Day – remembering What?

This Memorial Day, I invite you to widen your remembrances: from those who have given their lives in conflicts to the whole of Nature.  The more I study Feng Shui, the more I realize that real prosperity comes from such study. Nature in it’s essence is abundant. The ancient Chinese studied the way Nature moved through a space and then cooperated and synergized with it, learning the subtleties the natural world presented.  By cooperating and augmenting those energies, they increased the bounty of the people they helped.  It is no different today.  Finding what blocks the flow, what is antagonistic, what energies remain in a place all can be moderated, redirected, eradicated. So Monday, take a moment to look in your garden – notice how the weeds want to crowd your plants out.  Notice how some plants do not like to be around other plants. Others, given some attention, bloom more vigorously than if left alone.  All this is the Feng Shui of the natural world.  Be grateful, as the lessons continue to present themselves.  Happy Memorial Day!

The Role of Beauty

A client approached me to revitalize and change the energy and look of a dry cleaning establishment.  I did so and this location turned into the gold mine that kept the business afloat during the economic downturn.  The sad part is the owner started losing interest, wanting to move on,and in so doing started forgetting the details – the details not associated with dry cleaning.  People are now talking, and business is declining. He wants to sell, but the price he can get is decreasing as well.  I’m going to do a case study on this business in the June/July issue of the newsletter. God is in the details, and you’ll have graphic proof of how important those details are.

Using Color to Change your World

Using color is not unlike creating a meal. First what are you hungry for? With color, how do you want to feel? Next buy the ingredients. Choose the color that you think supports what you want. Start to cook. Add too much of this, or listen to too many other cooks and what do you get? Yuk.  Ask too many friends what shade to use–or better yet look at Pittsburgh’s 1,700 colors and chances are you’ll miss the mark.  Nice thing about paint though, you can always paint over.  But check out what you’re doing with your local Feng Shui master, because there’s an art and a science to using color to produce the mood, the feeling, the harmony you want. And you won’t have to paint it over!

Chinese New Year – The Year of the Rabbit

If you live in an area with a Chinese community, chances are they will be celebrating this weekend as the Year of the Rabbit takes over from the Year of the Tiger.  Try to attend these celebrations and observe that everything being done has some symbolic meaning.  These don’t always translate well into our Western culture, but they may help you understand the rich complexity of this ancient culture. And perhaps, in your own heart, welcome the Year of the Rabbit – it bodes well for those of us who align our spirit with the wonderful Rabbit.

That time of the year…

My November/December newsletter talks about the holidays, and how to recapture some of the healing elements we can have in our home at this time.  It came as a wonderful suppose to see the International Feng Shui Guild reprint that article as it’s lead in it’s professional publication.  I get so very very tired when merchants start hawking Christmas and Hanukkah well before thanksgiving.  Seems we have monetized everything where, if it doesn’t bring monetary profit, we will just ignore it.  Celebrations are not about monetary profit, they are about human connection profit.  Luckily Feng Shui has some helpful ways to magnify that.  If you’d like to get a copy, just drop me a line <> and I’ll see that you get one.

In the meantime, have a blessed holiday season.