When is enough enough?

When is enough enough? And where do we pick up the excess weight on our lives? Many of us know we carry a few extra pounds on our bodies, but who’s aware that we are carrying a LOT of extra baggage in Iceberg SM2other forms?  It’s a fascinating idea, one that I’ve been examining for some time now. It has led me to develop a webinar I’m going to offer in April to examine exactly that – where and how do we pick up excess baggage? Where does it come from and what does it do to our lives?

The answers may surprise you, especially in today’s world where there is overwhelm everywhere. I, for instance, have trouble balancing email/Facebook/Twitter/Blogging/website/ launch and my private clients. A poison pill form is to open my email.  There’s a ton of excess baggage there I just don’t need, but I get hooked, drawn in, and time flies when I’m supposed to being productive!

Possible answer? For Mac, there’s neat little program called Vitamin-R. It lets you set yourself up so that you hold focus for a certain amount of time, then it tells you to go….take a break…of your chosen time. Then back to the task at hand. And it works, and works well, as long as you allow those time outs to happen. I get up, and go do something else for the 6 minute break I set.  Only problem, sometimes I get cooking’ and the time slice ends and I’m still cooking. In that case, I can go right to the next slice without a break.

If you want to ale a look at the application here’s a link.

But what I’ve seen is that somewhere into the 2nd time slice, my focus….well…..the distractions…

So that’s one way I attempt  to stay on track.

What’s yours? Feel free to comment, maybe we can teach one another new tricks (I’m staying mum about old dogs…)

Posted in Links.

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