Is Time Flexible?

Time is one of our most interesting concepts.  Depending who you talk to about time, you can find opinions ranging from a) it is an illusion and does not really exist, to z) it is a fixed entity by which we measure all sorts of things.

Some folks say that time is ending (those who follow the Mayan calendar.) Others (i.e. Greg Braden) suggest it is slowing down.  Those in some of the more esoteric studies suggest that multiple levels of reality exist simultaneously.  All very curious, all sorts of inrigue.

From the world of Feng Shui, one principle held true always is that we have but one thing constant in our existence – and that constant is change.  If change is all prevalent, then can we leave time out of it?  No.  So what is the answer – or is there one at all?  If we look historically we see that our use and definition of time has changed over time. (Ah hah!)

My experience of time leads me to believe that time is flexible.  How can time be flexible?  Because my personal experience of time has shown this to be true. The prime example:  When I worked in an art gallery, it took the same amount of miles to go from home to the gallery.  Time of day was the same and almost always, the traffic was the same.  Yet on those days when I would leave home in a foul mood, or angry, or dissatisfied because I was leaving a couple of minutes late, I would ALWAYS arrive late at the gallery.  Yet on those days when I left the house late, and drove normally while singing a song, or just singing (in other words feeling good) I would ALWAYS arrive early.

I began to test this observation and in every case found it to be true.  I suggest you try it and see how time fits into your life.  It need not be mine, but you may find something very interesting about your stay on our planet.

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