Use Feng Shui to change you mood

The law of opposites works in many parts of Feng Shui. It’s something you can do whenever and wherever to change your mood.

Feeling down? Facing a tough day you’re not looking forward to? Dress up in vibrant cheerful color. A man might wear a bright shirt or some crazy socks. A woman might step out of her comfort zone and go on the bold side. Whichever, your mood and attitude will lighten.

Got an overly stressed out day planned? Try wearing calming colors, avoid big patterns or too much texture. Dress the way you WANT to feel and watch how it can help take you there.

This doesn’t mean you finish dressing and then forget about it. You keep checking in during the day reminding yourself why you dressed the way you did and checking in with you feelings. Watch that Feng Shui at Work!

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Energy Cleaning at the White House

If you look back to a posting closer to the inauguration of President Obama, I posted a rather unusual photograph asking the question was there not a cosmic blessing for the new President.  So far it would seem to be so.  But I want to alert you to the issue of my ezine coming out in a couple of days for an section on what the Obamas can do to make their stay in the White House more harmonious, more nurturing and more effective.  The interesting part of this is that these are things you can do if you are renting a house, or if you are not the original owners of your home or apartment.  The same principles apply.  You just do them with the full intention of sending any residual energies of previous occupants toward the light for whatever their next healing is.
You may not be aware that often we leave energetic imprints after we leave a space.  The most dramatic example of this would be nuclear, where the effects linger long after the radioactive material has been removed.  To look at what I recommend, you can try a trial subscription (free of course!) by clicking here.

Planting, Cleaning, Feng Shui

This time of year I find myself pulling all sorts of flotsam and jetsam from the garden.  Then I remember that all the dead stuff is as much a part of the cycle as water is for growth.  No yin, no yang.  So what are we to do – what would Feng Shui have to say?

Simply break up the dead material into as fine pieces as you can and use them as compost.  Breaking them up synergistically helps them break down into nutrients for living plants and soil.  For the weeds which are trying to take over the world, put those into a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with water. Weight it down with a stone and let it rest for 3 days.  Then pour the water onto you living plants.  This weed tea is a valuable fertilizer that costs you nothing.  You can then add the “tea leaves” to the compost pile.

Remember, using chemical fertilizers and weed killer, you destroy the life of the soil.  Which means a) you must always use more and more chemical fertilizer because the soil can no longer do it’s work; and b) you have just decimated an entire living ecosystem in the interests of instant results.  It’s not the way Nature works, it shouldn’t be the way you work.

What’s Feng Shui about this?  You are using everything to build better nourishment and health.  You are cleaning out a space, but not discarding, rather recycling.  The results is aesthetically more beautiful and far more nourishing.  That’s what the correct use of Feng Shui can do – so see you in the garden?

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Fend Shui Your Finances

I am a big fan of The Huffington Post.  Guess that lets you know where my political proclivities are.  In any event, when this article appeared today I checked it out.  And while I don’t agree with all the reccomendations, I think it’s a worthwhile read and you might pick up something worth trying.  In these dificult times, I’m all for increasing anyone’s prosperity in every dimension possible.

Supercharge Feng Shui solutions

If you’ve been a client of mine, you know about energizing the various cures I’ve given you.  But did you now that you can supercharge you efforts by doing them with a light heart?  Even better, find some fun in it and have a good laugh.

What you’re doing is lifting the energy to a higher level.  And doing that makes it all the more powerful.  So don’t approach cures with a heavy heart – lighten up and lighten up you relationships, you loved ones and you life.  Then celebrate the difference!

Did you know I have a monthly Tips & Tricks eZine just for the asking?  Check out the main site, and subscribe.  Easy to get on, easy to get off, and you just might save yourself a consultation!