Too Much!

It often feels like we’re being hit by a tidal wave – of climate disasters, economic woes, scandals. And in my personal life, more and more keeps knocking at the door, saying “Look at me! Pay attention.” More and more things grabbing for my attention and time. I don’t know about you, but I notice how this slows me down, gets me confused too often, and leads to unintended and unwelcome consequences. Part of the project I’m working on is a system allowing you to lose weight. Not the extra pounds you may be carrying, but the extra weight of too much of everything. The success of the program is extraordinary. But I’m not unveiling it until it’s fit and ready.

Do you run out of time? Repeatedly?

The sense of overwhelm in today’s culture robs us of our power for a good life. There is no time to make this a better place for ourselves or anyone else. Having made that sweeping statement, I’m forced to look for ways to make my time more meaningful by cutting out the fluff, eliminate the unnecessary. What’s easy is often right. That’s why I’d like to invite you to become a fan of Creative Visions Facebook page. Every few days I plan to post one quick tip that can make your life move more smoothly, increase your use of time, increase your clarity and keep you on purpose. These will be “Hints from Heloise” for our overly busy lives. What’s the point? It’s my belief that we prevent ourselves from our own greatness by a culture devoted to keeping us distracted. Quick reminders that take but an instant, but which can improve the quality of your life. Join me there, won’t you? And click the Like button!

More Freedom! More Life! More Joy!

The latest group of friends who took the plunge and started getting a real handle on their over crowded lives. We met for the last time yesterday. Two could not be there due to personal emergencies, but I think you can tell from the expressions the class was a success. Soon I will announce a new class, RECLAIM YOUR LIFE, where we will come to understand why we gather too much and how to be permanently rid of that little barnacle that costs money, time, health and happiness. Stay tuned! If you’d like to be in on it, let me know and whether you’d enjoy a teleclass (if you’re out of the Rogue Valley.) If you have questions, contact me at

Needing to Sell?

Here in the Rogue Valley, tradition has it that all you have to do is put your house on the market and somebody, sometime, will buy it.  And, until a couple of years ago, that was true enough…sometime.  Then something happened and we now have at 18month-2year supply.  And still folks don’t think what a good Feng Shui analysis can do to let their home stand out from the crowd.

Problem often is owners have an emotional attachment to their home.  Realtors want to keep on good terms with the owners so they tend to go alone with that attachment. Well, it isn’t Kansas anymore Dorothy, and folks would be wise to contact their consultant and ask for help. We bring an unbiased view tilted toward balancing the energy of the house and making it feel as nourishing as possible. The longer a potential buyer stays in the home, the more likely the owner is to get an offer, and these days, that’s important!

Traditional Feng Shui objects

Recently a student of Feng Shui appeared at my door wanting to buy various Feng Shui objects.  He was disappointed that I did not carry these as a favor to my clients. But I find such things unnecessary to invoke the full effect of a powerful Feng Shui analysis and correction.  In fact,in my experience it is often more effective to use the Five Elements and their interactions for correcting unfavorable situations. Moreover, when done in good taste, the cures add to the beauty of both business and home.

Chinese restaurants are often decorated with all sorts of Feng Shui symbols, and that probably keeps the owners mindful to intend good fortune.  But it is not a requirement. Beauty calls forth it’s own favorable Feng Shui.  Play with it and see what results you get.

How Green is Feng Shui?

With climate change and going green being the hot topics of the day, it’s not unreasonable to ask how green is feng shui? At first, it doesn’t look very green. But if we take the feng shui blinders off, we discover that this ancient art and science is cutting edge environmentalism.

Feng shui studies how nature moves energy through a space, and how to best arrange that space for the most harmonious flow. A true feng shui master is sensitive to how energy moves, or doesn’t move, through a space. Adjustments are then made to remove blockages, and to make the flow is smooth. The most dramatic example of this work in the West is permaculture.

Bill Molison made a series of four short documentaries for PBS, taking four were dramatically different environments, and applying the principles of permaculture to each. In every case the results were dramatic, inspiring, and bursting with life.

See for yourself follow this link:

Check out the website as well: Creative Visions Feng Shui

Pay Attention!

Pay Attention!
Allan Watts used to say that the trouble with English was that it could only describe parts of things and not the thing as a whole.  He used the illustration of a cat passing behind a picket fence.  Each space between the pickets was part of the description, and each was limited by what you could see – part of the head, then part of the neck and so on.
He contrasted this to the Chinese written system, which is made up of ideograms, or symbolic pictures of objects and concepts.  Thus, the symbol for a cat could be rendered in such a way that the reader understood that it was a grey tabby, kind of old, moving slowly, a myriad of characteristics.  It was in this way that Watts showed how we in the West have an incomplete understanding of the world as we communicate and think in a linear way (one letter follows another) while the Chinese use ideograms to communicate the whole.
“Alphabetic writing is a representation of sound, whereas the ideogram represents vision and, furthermore, represents the world directly-not being a sign for a sound which is the name of a thing. As for names, the sound “bird” has nothing in it that reminds one of a bird, and for some reason it would strike us a childish to substitute more direct names, such as tweetie, powee, or quark.” Alan Watts, Tao, the Watercourse Way, 1975, p14.
The natural world is not a linear system.  There are an infinite number of variables that interact constantly.  Indeed, we know that the only constant is change.  So to accurately describe one moment with all it’s variables would take ages in our linear, alphabetic language.
As we approach the New Year (the Chinese New Year will not be here until February 14) rather than making resolutions, I invite you to decide to approach the world differently –  pay attention to the natural world, for it is in that natural world that you will start to see great wisdom.  Once this process starts, the Chinese way of approaching how the part fits into the whole makes a lot more sense than our Western concept of breaking things down trying to gain control.  Indeed, as we in the West try to gain absolute control over the natural world, we end up trying to take more and more control through creating more and more devices which purport to give us more control. We finally become slaves to the devices of our own making, and still we cannot control even a small part of our world.
Take a look at the areas in you business that don’t seem to be working and try and observe what is blocking the energy from flowing smoothly in that physical space.  At home, look around your yard.  Where do things not grow? What areas are used often by your animals and where do they Not Go?  Inside, what room do you tend Not to Use?  Where do things gather (clutter magnets)?
Instead of trying to fix something quickly, take the time to pay attention and observe how the world operates in a
ny location you observe.  Don’t be in a hurry. Once you have a pretty good idea of what’s not being used or is out of control, what can you do to make it more harmonious?  Of course, that’s what I do for a living, but there’s a lot you can do before you need my services.  And if whatever you do does not give you the results you hoped for, then we do need to talk.  Hopefully, you will start to see that Feng Shui is not some mysterious or magical thing – it is very practical and based on considered observation of our natural world.
I think much of our problems today come from the fact that we (and I mean here our culture) keep attempting to remove our focus from the natural world and direct it to man made things. What is the latest incarnation of this?  Back seat DVD screens in cars!  People think they are buying distraction and quiet, but they are really demonstrating to their children that the man-made, the artificial, is more desirable than the natural.  And that, my friends, is a symptom of a real sickness.

Allan Watts used to say that the trouble with English was that it could only describe parts of things and not the thing as a whole.  He used the illustration of a cat passing behind a picket fence.  Each space between the pickets was part of the description, and each was limited by what you could see – part of the head, then part of the neck and so on.

He contrasted this to the Chinese written system, which is made up of ideograms, or symbolic pictures of objects and concepts.  Thus, the symbol for a cat could be rendered in such a way that the reader understood that it was a grey tabby, kind of old, moving slowly, a myriad of characteristics.  It was in this way that Watts showed how we in the West have an incomplete understanding of the world as we communicate and think in a linear way (one letter follows another) while the Chinese use ideograms to communicate the whole.

“Alphabetic writing is a representation of sound, whereas the ideogram represents vision and, furthermore, represents the world directly-not being a sign for a sound which is the name of a thing. As for names, the sound “bird” has nothing in it that reminds one of a bird, and for some reason it would strike us a childish to substitute more direct names, such as tweetie, powee, or quark.” Alan Watts, Tao, the Watercourse Way, 1975, p14.

The natural world is not a linear system.  There are an infinite number of variables that interact constantly.  Indeed, we know that the only constant is change.  So to accurately describe one moment with all it’s variables would take ages in our linear, alphabetic language.

As we approach the New Year (the Chinese New Year will not be here until February 14) rather than making resolutions, I invite you to decide to approach the world differently –  pay attention to the natural world, for it is in that natural world that you will start to see great wisdom.  Once this process starts, the Chinese way of approaching how the part fits into the whole makes a lot more sense than our Western concept of breaking things down trying to gain control.  Indeed, as we in the West try to gain absolute control over the natural world, we end up trying to take more and more control through creating more and more devices which purport to give us more control. We finally become slaves to the devices of our own making, and still we cannot control even a small part of our world.

Take a look at the areas in you business that don’t seem to be working and try and observe what is blocking the energy from flowing smoothly in that physical space.  At home, look around your yard.  Where do things not grow? What areas are used often by your animals and where do they Not Go?  Inside, what room do you tend Not to Use?  Where do things gather (clutter magnets)?

Instead of trying to fix something quickly, take the time to pay attention and observe how the world operates in any location you observe.  Don’t be in a hurry. Once you have a pretty good idea of what’s not being used or is out of control, what can you do to make it more harmonious?  Of course, that’s what I do for a living, but there’s a lot you can do before you need my services.  And if whatever you do does not give you the results you hoped for, then we do need to talk.  Hopefully, you will start to see that Feng Shui is not some mysterious or magical thing – it is very practical and based on considered observation of our natural world.

I think much of our problems today come from the fact that we (and I mean here our culture) keep attempting to remove our focus from the natural world and direct it to man made things. What is the latest incarnation of this?  Back seat DVD screens in cars!  People think they are buying distraction and quiet, but they are really demonstrating to their children that the man-made, the artificial, is more desirable than the natural.  And that, my friends, is a symptom of a real sickness.

Health Care & Feng Shui

The current debate about health care in Washington revolves around how much profit insurance companies can make, how much profit hospitals should make, how much profit the pharmaceutical companies can make.  The fight is not whether or not Americans should get good health care, it’s about how much profit corporations can get into this bill.

So what does that have to do with feng shui?  Quite simply the basis of feng shui is understanding how the energies of nature work and how we human can align ourselves so that we benefit from those energies.  Think of a sailboat out on the sea.  It can either tack back and forth trying to gain ground as the wind pushes the boat backwards, or it could turn around and sail away, being pushed by the wind.  It’s obvious which takes more work and which is easier.  The basis of Feng Shui is to understand which way the wind is blowing and what’s happening in the water – observations of nature.  Much of chinese medicine is built on the same principle.  You only pay when you stay well.  If the doctor has made a mistake and you get sick, you pay nothing.  To my way of thinking that is serving the public good.

Our system of health care has resulted in our being 23rd in infant mortally, and something like 25th in quality of health care IN THE WORLD.  Why? Because we have turned our back on nature and gone for the profit.  In other words where other countries provide a public service, we monetize the industry and hand it over not to the doctors but to corporations.  And by law, corporations are duty bound to make profits for the shareholders – not the public.

So feng shui should remind us to learn about how nature can help us cure any imbalance (sickness) in our body.  And it is up to us, not corporations with their pills and tests, to assist our bodies back to radiant health.

To see what Sugeet does with Feng Shui, check out the web site.

Class for the First Rule of Feng Shui

And that Rule is : Get Rid of the Clutter.  Unfortunately our economy, already faltering, would collapse completely if we did not continue to buy and use more.  That’s the nature of Capitalism – if it does not continue to grow it stagnates and dies.  Our culture is based on the premise that we can become “OK” if we only buy/use/attend/rent the Whatever. How many of us go out when we feel poorly and buy something?  And feel better.  Momentarily.

Then when we try to rid ourselves of the clutter we’re surrounded by.  We become overwhelmed and put it off for another day.  The most effective way to make a significant start toward building new habits that prevent the clutter syndrome from crowding our lives is in a group setting.  Real change can happen – just like AA!  And while you might giggle at that comparison, the truth is stark – it’s a rare individual who can kick the clutter habit without help.

So Sugeet will be holding a class for 4 Thursday nights in October to help people realize how much keeping clutter costs and creative and fun ways to get rid of it.  If you live in the Rogue Valley, go to the classes page. Master the Art of  . . .Uncluttering is there.  The page is offering a special discount for those signing up before Oct 1.

The Archive is Live!

For some months now I’ve known that the monthly newsletter I send out for free gets looked at and then usually deleted.  Often times later there is the desire to retrieve that information, but alas, the email has been flushed,  So when I got the chance to create an archive of the past two years efforts, I jumped at the chance.  Now it’s up and ready for use.  I’ll add a category for it, but right now I wanted to let you know it’s out there and handy as a reference tool for those who wish to try doing some Feng Shui on their own.  I think you’ll find some tips and tricks that will increase your happiness, reduce your stress, increase your nourishment, and make you more prosperous.  Not bad for a freebie eigh?

Click here Dorothy – you won’t be in Kanas anymore!