Proud and Grateful

An excellent service for locating local service providers has started growing by leaps and bounds.  It’s called and it may well be in your area.  Check it out.  But why would I be pushing a thumbtack at you?  Simply because I signed up, and quickly accumulated 4 reccomendations from folks familiar with my work.  You can check that out at: This is not a quick and dirty service, they actually check you out. As you will see there’s a rather legnthy interview process which is also verified.  Since people tend to do business with people they know and trust, I appreciate the throughness of their approach.  Facebook has come up with it’s own –Stick (that’s right – Stick, could be Schick, but we won’t go there…), but then Stick wants to go into your address book and pull names and addresses out. No thank you!  In any event, if you do check this out, I’d enjoy your impressions. You might even want to add your own business.


Well, not quite. Next in the 12 year Chinese cycle is the Year of the Rabbit beginning February 3, 2011. And while it portends many positive changes, many of the Year of the Tiger’s bumps and hiccups will continue. As we see the megabanks and multinational corporations having a deliciously profitable year, many small folk could use a healthy dose of the positive chi Feng Shui offers. I know I’m bragging when I say every business I’ve helped has seen an increase in its bottom line. Expanding from that, you may want to consider, at minimum, a cleanup of the Chi at your business. At maximum, consider an analysis and recommendation by a feng shui master. It’s money well spent. I’d be glad to put you in touch with some of my clients if you need to hear it directly from them. Otherwise, check out the “Clients” section of this blog. And may your holiday season brings all the abundance and prosperity you could wish for.

Disaster Feng Shui

We are just beginning to learn and are going to continue to learn that the DeepWater Horizon oil is apocalyptic.  And while we let out yowls of protest, do not foget that it is you and I who demand gas for our cars and plastic for everything else.  It all comes from oil. As long as there is demand, there will be companies ready to go to any  length to get it and let us pay for it.  It took Eastern Masters hundreds of years observing the way nature moves energy to come up with the principles of Feng Shui. And because those principles work, Feng Shui is used widely with great positive effect.

Now we have an oil giant who skipped over the most basic safety precedes to drill for oil a mile under the water. It had not been done before and was based largely on theory. No observation of what might go wrong or what the consequences might be if anything did go wrong. We have already killed most of the world’s coral reefs (one of the foundations of the food chain) and now the results of BP spill threaten the entire sea and all it’s life.  It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.  And this is no Shui to go! And unless we lemmings slow down our mad dash, what awaits us is more of the same.

Pay Attention!

Pay Attention!
Allan Watts used to say that the trouble with English was that it could only describe parts of things and not the thing as a whole.  He used the illustration of a cat passing behind a picket fence.  Each space between the pickets was part of the description, and each was limited by what you could see – part of the head, then part of the neck and so on.
He contrasted this to the Chinese written system, which is made up of ideograms, or symbolic pictures of objects and concepts.  Thus, the symbol for a cat could be rendered in such a way that the reader understood that it was a grey tabby, kind of old, moving slowly, a myriad of characteristics.  It was in this way that Watts showed how we in the West have an incomplete understanding of the world as we communicate and think in a linear way (one letter follows another) while the Chinese use ideograms to communicate the whole.
“Alphabetic writing is a representation of sound, whereas the ideogram represents vision and, furthermore, represents the world directly-not being a sign for a sound which is the name of a thing. As for names, the sound “bird” has nothing in it that reminds one of a bird, and for some reason it would strike us a childish to substitute more direct names, such as tweetie, powee, or quark.” Alan Watts, Tao, the Watercourse Way, 1975, p14.
The natural world is not a linear system.  There are an infinite number of variables that interact constantly.  Indeed, we know that the only constant is change.  So to accurately describe one moment with all it’s variables would take ages in our linear, alphabetic language.
As we approach the New Year (the Chinese New Year will not be here until February 14) rather than making resolutions, I invite you to decide to approach the world differently –  pay attention to the natural world, for it is in that natural world that you will start to see great wisdom.  Once this process starts, the Chinese way of approaching how the part fits into the whole makes a lot more sense than our Western concept of breaking things down trying to gain control.  Indeed, as we in the West try to gain absolute control over the natural world, we end up trying to take more and more control through creating more and more devices which purport to give us more control. We finally become slaves to the devices of our own making, and still we cannot control even a small part of our world.
Take a look at the areas in you business that don’t seem to be working and try and observe what is blocking the energy from flowing smoothly in that physical space.  At home, look around your yard.  Where do things not grow? What areas are used often by your animals and where do they Not Go?  Inside, what room do you tend Not to Use?  Where do things gather (clutter magnets)?
Instead of trying to fix something quickly, take the time to pay attention and observe how the world operates in a
ny location you observe.  Don’t be in a hurry. Once you have a pretty good idea of what’s not being used or is out of control, what can you do to make it more harmonious?  Of course, that’s what I do for a living, but there’s a lot you can do before you need my services.  And if whatever you do does not give you the results you hoped for, then we do need to talk.  Hopefully, you will start to see that Feng Shui is not some mysterious or magical thing – it is very practical and based on considered observation of our natural world.
I think much of our problems today come from the fact that we (and I mean here our culture) keep attempting to remove our focus from the natural world and direct it to man made things. What is the latest incarnation of this?  Back seat DVD screens in cars!  People think they are buying distraction and quiet, but they are really demonstrating to their children that the man-made, the artificial, is more desirable than the natural.  And that, my friends, is a symptom of a real sickness.

Allan Watts used to say that the trouble with English was that it could only describe parts of things and not the thing as a whole.  He used the illustration of a cat passing behind a picket fence.  Each space between the pickets was part of the description, and each was limited by what you could see – part of the head, then part of the neck and so on.

He contrasted this to the Chinese written system, which is made up of ideograms, or symbolic pictures of objects and concepts.  Thus, the symbol for a cat could be rendered in such a way that the reader understood that it was a grey tabby, kind of old, moving slowly, a myriad of characteristics.  It was in this way that Watts showed how we in the West have an incomplete understanding of the world as we communicate and think in a linear way (one letter follows another) while the Chinese use ideograms to communicate the whole.

“Alphabetic writing is a representation of sound, whereas the ideogram represents vision and, furthermore, represents the world directly-not being a sign for a sound which is the name of a thing. As for names, the sound “bird” has nothing in it that reminds one of a bird, and for some reason it would strike us a childish to substitute more direct names, such as tweetie, powee, or quark.” Alan Watts, Tao, the Watercourse Way, 1975, p14.

The natural world is not a linear system.  There are an infinite number of variables that interact constantly.  Indeed, we know that the only constant is change.  So to accurately describe one moment with all it’s variables would take ages in our linear, alphabetic language.

As we approach the New Year (the Chinese New Year will not be here until February 14) rather than making resolutions, I invite you to decide to approach the world differently –  pay attention to the natural world, for it is in that natural world that you will start to see great wisdom.  Once this process starts, the Chinese way of approaching how the part fits into the whole makes a lot more sense than our Western concept of breaking things down trying to gain control.  Indeed, as we in the West try to gain absolute control over the natural world, we end up trying to take more and more control through creating more and more devices which purport to give us more control. We finally become slaves to the devices of our own making, and still we cannot control even a small part of our world.

Take a look at the areas in you business that don’t seem to be working and try and observe what is blocking the energy from flowing smoothly in that physical space.  At home, look around your yard.  Where do things not grow? What areas are used often by your animals and where do they Not Go?  Inside, what room do you tend Not to Use?  Where do things gather (clutter magnets)?

Instead of trying to fix something quickly, take the time to pay attention and observe how the world operates in any location you observe.  Don’t be in a hurry. Once you have a pretty good idea of what’s not being used or is out of control, what can you do to make it more harmonious?  Of course, that’s what I do for a living, but there’s a lot you can do before you need my services.  And if whatever you do does not give you the results you hoped for, then we do need to talk.  Hopefully, you will start to see that Feng Shui is not some mysterious or magical thing – it is very practical and based on considered observation of our natural world.

I think much of our problems today come from the fact that we (and I mean here our culture) keep attempting to remove our focus from the natural world and direct it to man made things. What is the latest incarnation of this?  Back seat DVD screens in cars!  People think they are buying distraction and quiet, but they are really demonstrating to their children that the man-made, the artificial, is more desirable than the natural.  And that, my friends, is a symptom of a real sickness.

Free Feng Shui Tips & Tricks

Did you know that I publish a free monthly eZine designed to help you incorporate good Feng Shui into your life, your home, your business?  Why not try a subscription?  It only comes once a month, and if you don’t like it, no problem, there’s an instant unsubscribe button on every issue.  Simple click here to subscribe.

Supercharge Feng Shui solutions

If you’ve been a client of mine, you know about energizing the various cures I’ve given you.  But did you now that you can supercharge you efforts by doing them with a light heart?  Even better, find some fun in it and have a good laugh.

What you’re doing is lifting the energy to a higher level.  And doing that makes it all the more powerful.  So don’t approach cures with a heavy heart – lighten up and lighten up you relationships, you loved ones and you life.  Then celebrate the difference!

Did you know I have a monthly Tips & Tricks eZine just for the asking?  Check out the main site, and subscribe.  Easy to get on, easy to get off, and you just might save yourself a consultation!

Investors turning to Feng Shui for advice

Seems that Hong Kong investors are increasingly turning to Feng Shui masters for guidance with their investments in these turbulent economic times.  And while the Wall Street Journal is reporting this, we need to consider the status of Feng Shui in Hong Kong.

A city perfectly designed by Feng Shui experts.  Hong Kon is the world’s 11th largest economic center.  Almost every business has used it’s Feng Shui advisors in the design and implementation of its space; buildings are designed to create “feng shui wars.”  It may be prudent to realize what’s good for Hong Kong may OR may not be sage advise for the rest of us.

What’s the lesson? Feng Shui absolutely can help businesses increase their bottom line, but when it comes to investing, it should be just one of many tools used in judgment making.  When sailing, it is wise to check the direction of the wind rather than ignoring it.  And, as Confucius would say, “all things in moderation.”  At the same time, realize that Feng Shui definitely has accuracy in helping to see where both the wind and the water are going.

Income Doubled in one month

Thought you might like to see what one Feng Shui master was able to do for a client:

Northport, NY (PRWEB) February 15, 2009 — Guided by Feng Shui Master Peter Reiss, entrepreneur Dean Mercado was able to almost double his business income in one month.

Mercado, president of OnlineMarketingMuscle, an Internet marketing and coaching firm in Holtsville, NY, called on Master Reiss’ services in December 2008. His business had been growing but not at the pace he desired and he felt that in these tough times he needed to be open to any tools for growth, no matter how “exotic”.

“I know Richard Branson uses Feng Shui, so I figured, ‘What the heck?’, and boy was that a good decision. From the moment Peter Reiss came into my office it was like a whirlwind of change. He showed me things that had been sitting there for years blocking my wealth flow. We got rid of the blocks, made the other adjustments he suggested and the difference was amazing.

“Our office felt better – more powerful, if you can believe it. And the results reflected it. I didn’t do anything different – no extra marketing, no extra sales effort. The only changes were what Master Reiss suggested and the numbers show how amazing he is. Even in this down market we just about doubled business income in one month, from December ’08 to January ’09, and are already way ahead of our financial projections for 2009.”